Head and Neck

Neck Pain Management

Dealing with neck pain daily can negatively affect you physically and emotionally. For instance, it can be frustrating to not be able to turn your neck while doing regular tasks. Our Doctor of chiropractic at Chiropractic Health & Spine in Anderson can provide you with non-surgical neck pain care and management, like non-surgical spinal decompression, to help with problems such as disc bulge and disc herniation. Read on to learn some ways to find neck pain relief.


Get a Neck Adjustment

Our Doctor of Chiropractic expert can use a neck adjustment to improve your range of motion, muscle movement, and spine mobility. A Doctor of Chiropractic usually performs this precise procedure by hand or adjusting instrument. A neck adjustment can be beneficial in easing your pain, reducing stress, and boosting immune function, among other things. For advice or treatment, try searching for neck pain care and management near you.

Do Chiropractic Exercises

Although neck adjustments can help relieve your pain, you'll still need to take care of your neck when you're not with under chiropractor care. Whether you're at home or elsewhere, you can learn a few simple exercises to do whenever you have some free time. Some exercises include side bends, head drops, neck retractions, neck rotations, and flexion. If you'd like to ensure you're doing exercises that are safe for your specific problem, you can talk to our doctor about it.

Improve Your Posture

Most of the time, neck pain is caused by poor posture and/or trauma from a previous motor vehicle crash. For instance, tech neck happens when you have poor posture while looking at your phone or other devices. If you have been involved in a previous motor vehicle crash, this can complicate your problem.  You can make a few simple changes to help ease your pain. Firstly, rather than bending your neck down, try holding your device so that it's at eye level. You should also keep your head and the center of your body aligned with one another.

See a Chiropractic Care Expert

Whether you'd like more advice on how to deal with neck pain or if you feel as though you can't do it on your own, our Doctor of Chiropractor can help. He can get to the source of your neck pain and treat it using drug-free neck pain treatment techniques that are safe and noninvasive. You can ask him any questions you may have.

Contact a Chiropractor Near You

Unsure of what to do next? Our doctor at Chiropractic Health & Spine in Anderson, SC, may be able help you. Contact us today for a free consultation.  Start on the road to optimize your recovery.
